The Throne Chair

There once was a family-friendly blockchain full of wonderful things.

Prosperous communities and rugpulled ruins. Rags to riches and riches to rags, hard 9s and floppy 7s.

But there was one thing out of harmony:

Two Brothers, but only one Throne Chair.

So it was up to the degenerates from all the dark corners of the chain to take it upon themselves to sort out this imbalance.

They decided to raise enough coin to acquire the Second Throne Chair, and ship it to the Only Brother of the Other brother.

Contribute, and get a share of the Throne Chair

Total PLS raised


Your PLS raised







- When 49.77 M PLS has been raised, the event ends.
- Only 7777 PLS per wallet
7777 PLS - 1 TSHARE (Throne Share)
The TSHARE has no utility and no liquidity, no price.
100% of the raised funds will be used to acquire and ship the Throne Chair to Richard's Only Brother.